My Hair & Beauty

Cost of conversion improved by 33%


Website Design, Website Developement

MHB Banner

The Challenge

There was a desire to help customers in choosing the right products for them and their hair. Selecting the best salon and beauty brands and understanding how confusing and expensive it can be in choosing the right products. It was vital for customers online journey to be smooth, informative and simplistic - not to overwhelm them with endless choices, like can often be the case going into a bricks and mortar store.

The Strategy

Getting the site structure and navigation on point was key to ensure the variety of beauty products was easy to navigate between, allowing customers in just a few clicks to get to where they wanted to be. This was coupled with simplistic, clean design that let the products and their key selling points take centre stage to create an easy, streamlined buying cycle for customers.

MHB Banner
Pak Cosmetic Post
Pak Cosmetic Post
Pak Cosmetic Post

The Result


Increase in conversion rate


Cost of conversion improved


Increase from 233% to 650% on one single product
The Result

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